We are going to pick right back up with our “Horror Movie Lurking In Your Mouth” sequence with two other nightmare-to-be dental dangers if they are left unattended.
In the last article we discussed “Mercury Madness” and the dangers of abscessed teeth.
But there are other potential hazards – potential dental emergencies and dental dangers – lurking in your mouth as well.
Crooked Teeth: More than Meets the Eye
Often, people want to straighten their teeth because they simply think it will look better. But there is more reason to address crooked teeth than just aesthetics.
The ADA has provided research and studies showing that misaligned teeth not only impact your dental health, but your overall health too.
For one, because crooked teeth often leave additional gaps and space near the gums, the risk for plaque and bacteria invading that space – eventually causing inflammation and gum disease – is greater.
In the next section we will talk about the specific health risks of untreated gum disease but for now, suffice it to say that’s a major risk you just don’t need.
Likewise, overcrowding of teeth can cause many problems too! It can make teeth hard to clean – increasing the chance of dental illness leading to major illness – and wear down the teeth as well.
Since worn down teeth can often generate other physical symptoms and/or require caps or dental crowns, that’s no good.
Thankfully, crooked teeth are one of the easiest dental hazards to address. These days, you have tons of options for straightening your teeth. From traditional braces, to clear braces and Invisalign, to the latest option – Fastbraces – teeth can be re-aligned quickly and easily when you choose the right dental professional.
Untreated Gum Disease
Gum disease starts when the gum tissue and bone that anchor your teeth in your mouth become inflamed due to bacteria and plaque build up under and around the tooth. The gums swell and let even more bacteria in, increasing the infection.
Untreated gum disease may – almost assuredly – lead to tooth loss. A lesser-known fact is that untreated gum disease may also be a risk factor for… death. Talk about dental dangers!
In the last decade, many medical and dental associations and journals, have documented that inflammation in the mouth – and specifically, gum disease – can lead to or aggravate systemic illnesses in other areas of the body.
It has even been linked as a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. There have also been ties from gum disease to other major illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s!
Unfortunately, a lot of times, gum disease is often painless. Therefore, it may be referred to as another of the “silent” killers.
If you wait until your gums bleed and/or you have chronic bad breath, gum disease is often well underway.
This is probably the major reason screening for gum disease is so important. At Cigno Dental, we do this gum disease screening every 12-18 months using state of the art ultrasonic and laser technology.
If early gum disease – or any hint of gum disease – is found soon enough, we can often treat it without surgery.