We believe that you won’t be better cared for by any other dental office in town! It’s our mission to touch the lives of as many people as possible, and our ongoing referral program is just one way Dr. Cigno gives back to the community, touches people in a positive way and helps us maintain vital health.
Here’s a peek at what we’re offering this month and what’s on the horizon.
Want to See the Milwaukee Admirals?
Right now our current referral prize is tickets to see the Milwaukee Admirals play hockey! The way the referral program works is this: all you need to do is refer someone and your name will be entered into the drawing for the month.
If you refer a family member, friend or work colleague and that person makes an appointment between the first and last day of the calendar month, your name will be entered into that month’s drawing.
(PSST! Baseball fans, listen up: this summer, we’ll offer tickets to the Milwaukee Brewers, so be on the lookout for that!)
In the past, we’ve partnered with restaurants showcasing local celebrity chefs as well as movie theater screenings. We aim to highlight cultural, social and sporting events in Milwaukee as a special thank-you to our community members who refer new patients.
By the way, every time you make a referral your name gets entered again, which means you can enter as many times in one month as you like. But it really is the luck of the draw; we’ve had people win after referring only one person!
We also have an internal referral program. You’ll receive a $25 gift card for every patient you refer. After you refer three people, you’re entered into our VIP program. Then you’ll get 10% off your dental services for the next year.
How’s that for sweet?
Cigno Family Dental is Passionate about Giving Back
It’s really important to us that our dental practice gives back to the community in a meaningful way. Dr. Cigno always says, “If I can help someone feel better about themselves, give them confidence, charisma and the self-assurance to be the best possible version of themselves, I will have done my job. To have mattered is my life’s purpose.”
For 20 years, our office was made up of a small team – just four of us! We’d go out and contribute to the community as much as we could, but it was on such a small scale that it really didn’t have much impact. Now we have an amazing team of people who get excited about giving back.
We’ve had people come into our office after a bad day just to sit and drink tea because they like the surroundings. It is our honor to offer healing in any way possible. Wealth comes in many forms, and we feel wealthy when we facilitate community, promote dental health, and bring people together.
Join our awesome family! Who would you like to refer today? Be sure to get that name to us this month and be entered to win Admirals tickets!